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Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie

Chrześcijańska Akademia Teologiczna w Warszawie

Welcome to the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw

Thank you for choosing our Academy. During your studies you will be able to take our part in courses, learn Polish and get familiar with Polish culture and society.

Below you can find a short guide that will provide you basic
information about our Academy and will help you prepare yourself for your stay.

We are looking forward to hosting you in Warsaw and we hope that your stay will be beneficial for your personal development and future career.


Students who want to study at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw within the Erasmus+ Programme should, upon receiving the nomination at the sending Institution, send the following application form (Application Form PDF Application Form DOC) to the address of the Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, Jerzy Sojka PhD: erasmus[at]chat.edu.pl.

The next step is preparing the LA (Learning agreement, Student Mobility for Studies). Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw offers the incoming student the following subjects within the bachelor’s studies (Course list) and master’s studies (Course list). Each of the courses provided in the catalogues ends with a credit or with an exam accordingly. Receiving those is a basis for being granted the ECTS points for a particular course. To receive the ECTS points for particular courses, it is not necessary to pass the whole module.

The basis for the registration of the incoming students to chosen subjects is the Learning Agreement approved by the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw.

For further information regarding possible language courses, accommodation etc. please contact the Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, Jerzy Sojka PhD: erasmus[at]chat.edu.pl

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