Reverend Professor Bogusław Milerski

Rev. Prof. Bogusław Milerski, PhD habil. ThD habil.
The Reverend Bogusław Milerski (born 1967), Professor of ChAT, since 2012 Rector of the Academy, habilitated doctoral degrees (postdoctoral) in theological sciences and in humanities (education), Head of Department of Pedagogy of Religion and Culture at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Pastor at the Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession. A specialist in the pedagogy of religion, theory of education and the foundations of Lutheran systematic theology.
In 1991-1993, scholarship holder of the Diakonisches Werk at the University of Munich. In the years 1996–2008 Head of the Ecumenical Institute of Education, ChAT. In 2008-2012 Deputy Rector of ChAT. Member of the Synod of the Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland and member of the Tripartite Commission of Evangelical Churches in Poland. In 2007-2012 member of the Scientific Council of the Institut für Diasporawissenschaft in Leipzig. He coordinates educational partnership of ChAT with the University of Bonn, the Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg (Lutheran University of Applied Sciences) and the Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg im Breisgau (Protestant University of Applied Sciences). He also lectures at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw.
Member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie, Paedagogia Christiana and Studia z Teorii Wychowania (Studies in the Theory of Education). In 2012-2015 the project leader for the research team project funded by the National Science Centre, “The rationality of school education in the perspective of the cognitive interests of its participants.”
Selected Publications
Racjonalność procesu kształcenia. Teoria i badanie (with M. Karwowski, Kraków 2016)
Hermeneutyka pedagogiczna. Perspektywy pedagogiki religii (Warsaw 2011)
Religia. Encyklopedia PWN, tomy 1-9 (co-editor with Tadeusz Gadacz, Warsaw 2001-2003)
Pedagogika. Leksykon PWN (co-editor with Bogusław Śliwerski, Warsaw 2000)
Religia a szkoła. Status edukacji religijnej w szkole w ujęciu ewangelickim (Warsaw 1998)
Elementy pedagogiki religijnej (editor-in-chief, Warsaw 1998)
Przeszłość przyszłości. Z dziejów luteranizmu w Łodzi i regionie (co-editor with K. Woźniak, Łódź 1998)
Z problemów hermeneutyki protestanckiej (Łódź 1996)
Religia a słowo. Krytyka religii w ujęciu Dietricha Bonhoeffera i Paula Tillicha (Łódź 1994)
Translated from German: E. Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Bielsko-Biała 1996)