Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw

Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw
Edyta Januszewska

Edyta Januszewska

Name and surname: Edyta Januszewska
Position: Professor of University
Unit: Faculty of Social Sciences, Chair of Didactics and Comparative Pedagogy
E-mail address:

Scientific career:

  • Doctor of Science (DSc) in the field of social sciences, major: pedagogy, 2020, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of humanities, major: pedagogy, 2008, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw
  • Master of Arts (MA), major: special pedagogy (specialisation: resocialisation pedagogy), 1999, Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw

Scientific and research interests:

  • From 2020 to the present: Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Doktorskie i Podoktorskie (National Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar), organised by prof. Bogusław Śliwerski from the Department of Theory of Education, The University of Lodz, Łódź.
  • 2012-06.2013: Seminarium biograficzne w naukach społecznych (Biographical seminar in the social sciences), organised by prof. Kaja Kaźmierska from the Department of Sociology of Culture, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, The University of Lodz, Łódź.
  • Migration processes
  • The acculturation process of immigrants in Poland
  • Refugee children in Polish schools
  • Refugee children in Middle Eastern countries

Grants and research projects:

  • Project title: “Women on the Move” (Action no. CA19112) implemented by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST), (project member), 09.2020-09.2024. Project title: “Raising teachers’ qualifications in working with students with special educational needs – post-graduate studies for teachers in mainstream schools”, implemented at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, co-financed through EU funds within the European Social Fund (project member), 2016-2017.
  • Project title: “Employment of immigrants/ethnic minorities in Poland 2011-2013 and the impact of emigration and immigration phenomena on the labour market”; implemented by the Centre for Human Resource Development with the participation of IBC GROUP Central Europe Holding S.A. (expert and member of the research team), 2013-2014.

Projects implemented within the statutory research fund of The Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:

  • Project title: “Young immigrants in Poland – functioning in the local environment”, ChAT.WNS.620.2.2023, (project manager) (implementation period 2023).
  • Project title: “Functioning of children with diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds in new places of residence – the case of Ukrainian refugees in Poland”, ChAT.WNS.BN.620.6.2022, (project manager) (implementation period 2022).

Projects implemented within the statutory research fund of The Maria Grzegorzewska University financed by the Ministry of Education and Science:

  • Educational and ethnographic research in camps for Syrian refugees in Lebanon (project manager) (implementation period 17.09.2017-17.10.2017).
  • “Polish refugees in Great Britain. Biographical experience based on narrative interviews”, qualitative research with Polish Siberian Deportees in the UK (London, Slough), (project manager) (implementation period January – March 2014).
  • “Biographical learning of Polish immigrants in Canada”. Substantive support from the Canadian Polish Congress Manitoba District, (project manager) (implementation period 325.08.2013).

Grants financed through other funds:

  • Grant from the Polonia Aid Foundation Trust (London) for conducting an archival query in London researching the subject: “Polish refugees in Great Britain. Biographical experience based on narrative interviews” (implementation period 01.2014-03.2014).

Academic achievements (awards and distinctions for academic activity):

  • Silver medal for long service awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland, 17.09.2020.
  • 2nd degree individual award, 2020; Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa; category: academic activity.
  • Distinction at the 7th competition for research papers in social pedagogy, 2011; Łódź Academic Society.

Functions held, including membership in academic associations:

  • “Podstawy Edukacji” (“Basics of Education”), journal published by Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa, reviewer (since 01.01.2023).
  • Education manager and consultant for the “Women and Children in War” project at the Angels of Culture Foundation, 2018.
  • Appointment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a group of experts promoting the figure of Janusz Korczak through meetings and lectures as part of the activities of Polish diplomatic missions, 2012.
  • Polish Oral History Association, since 2016, ordinary member.
  • Polish Janusz Korczak Association, since 2009, ordinary member.

International cooperation:

Visits within the LLP Erasmus+

  • Biruni University, Stambuł, Turcja, 2020.
  • BUC Ressources Centre de Formation & Education Specialisee, Paryż, Francja, 2011.
  • Via University College, Viborg, Dania, 2010.

Other forms of international cooperation:

  • Internship with the Stadtpiraten Freiburg e.V NGO in Freiburg im Breisgau (BadenWürttemberg), Germany. Work with refugee children and adults, 2021.
  • Cooperation with Margaret von Lau, director of a refugee centre (Newcomers Employment & Education Development Services (N.E.E.D.S.) Inc.), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2013-to date.
  • Cooperation with Grace Galezowski, president of the Canadian Polish Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2013-2020.

Visiting professor: Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford, 2014.

Foreign projects expertise:

External project expertise for the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) programme, January 2021.

Organisational activities:

Conducting intercultural workshops for Central Asian and Eastern European grantees as part of the Lane Kirkland Programme, organiser: Leaders of Change Foundation, Opole 2728.09.2022.

Raising awareness about refugees – lectures for young people (activities for the local environment):

  • Januszewska E., 05.02.2020, Refugee children in the Middle East, grades 6-8, A. Fiedler’s Primary School no. 3 in Polkowice.
  • Januszewska E., 04.11.2019, Children of war: refugees in Poland and Lebanon, General Secondary School Complex No. 2, Kwidzyn.
  • Januszewska E., 26.05.2019, Children of war. Little Syrians in Lebanon, The Angels of Culture Gala, organised by the Angels of Culture Foundation, Marshall of the Mazowieckie Voivodship, Polish Writers’ Association, Warsaw.

Educational achievements:

  • 1st place in the “Small Lecture” category: award from the students of The Maria Grzegorzewska University to university teachers for the best classes (academic year 2016/2017), Warsaw.

Selected academic publications:


  • Januszewska E., 2019, Heterotopie dziecięcego uchodźstwa. Syryjczycy w Libanie (Heterotopias of child refugeeism. Syrians in Lebanon), Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków.
  • Januszewska E., Markowska-Manista U., 2017, Dziecko „inne” kulturowo w Polsce. Z badań nad edukacją szkolną (Culturally “different” children in Poland. Research on school education), Wydawnictwo APS, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 2010, Dziecko czeczeńskie w Polsce. Między traumą wojenną a doświadczeniem uchodźstwa (Chechen children in Poland. Between the trauma of war and the experience of exile), Wydawnictwo APS, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 2002, Dojrzewanie do wolności w wychowaniu. Rzecz o A.S. Neillu (Growing into freedom in education. The case of A.S. Neill), Wydawnictwo APS, Warsaw.

Articles in academic journals:

  • Januszewska E., 2023, Teraźniejszość i przyszłość w rysunkach dzieci uchodźców z Syrii mieszkających w Libanie (Present and future in the drawings of Syrian refugee children living in Lebanon), “Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze”, vol. 619, no. (4), pp. 39-51.
  • Januszewska E., Markowska-Manista U., 2022, Working with children with migrant experience – a case study of the organization Stadtpiraten Freiburg e.V. in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, „Studia z Teorii Wychowania”, T. XIII, no 4(41), pp. 275-290.
  • Januszewska E., 2021, Pociąg jako miejsce heterotopiczne. Traumatyczne doświadczenia czeczeńskiej uchodźczyni (The train as a heterotopic place. The traumatic experiences of a female Chechen refugee ), “Człowiek-Niepełnosprawność-Społeczeństwo”, no. 50(1), pp. 97120.
  • Januszewska E., 2017, Uczniowie cudzoziemscy w polskiej szkole – między integracją a marginalizacją (Foreign students in Polish schools – between integration and marginalisation), “Studia Edukacyjne”, no. 43, pp. 129-152.
  • Januszewska E., 2017, Uchodźcy/imigranci we Francji – wyzwania, szanse, zagrożenia (Refugees/immigrants in France – challenges, opportunities, threats), “Praca Socjalna”, no. 1, pp. 177-197.
  • Januszewska E., Valeeva R.A., 2016, Children’s Rights in Poland and Russia in the Context of Janusz Korczak’s in heritage, „International Journal of Environmental & Science Education”, no 11(3), pp. 327-338.
  • Januszewska E., 2016, Refugees in France. Research statement, „Papers of Social Pedagogy”, Migration as a social process – the economic migrants and the refugees, no 1(4), pp. 68-81.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Dzieci-uchodźcy w Polsce. Doświadczenia studentów – wolontariuszy w pracy z rodziną czeczeńską (Refugee children in Poland. Experiences of student-volunteers working with a Chechen family), “Pedagogika Społeczna”, no. 2(56), pp. 167-178.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Integracja imigrantów w Szwecji – wyzwania, szanse, zagrożenia (Integration of immigrants in Sweden – challenges, opportunities, threats), “Studia Pedagogiczne. Problemy Społeczne, Edukacyjne i Artystyczne”, no. 25, pp. 83-95.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Uchodźcy w Danii – między integracją a marginalizacją (Refugees in Denmark – between integration and marginalisation), “Praca Socjalna”, no. 1/January- February, pp. 53-70.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Uczeń cudzoziemski w polskiej szkole. Założenia teoretycznobadawcze (Foreign students in Polish schools. Theoretical and research assumptions), “Journal of Modern Science”, Vol. IV, no. 27, pp. 11-31.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Ребёнокбеженец в польской школе, „Oбpaзoвaниe и Caмopaзвитиe („Education and Self-Development”). Hayчный пeдaгoгичecкий и пcихoлoгичecкий жyрнaл”, Кaзaнь, no 1(43), pp. 207-212.
  • Januszewska E., Kulesza M., Kwiatkowski M., Odrowąż-Coates A., Perkowska-Klejman A., Wiatr M., 2015, W poszukiwaniu teorii szkoły (In search of school theory), “Pedagogika Społeczna”, no. 3(57), pp. 89-112.
  • Markowska-Manista U., Januszewska E., 2015, „Culturally different” children in a school environment. Research reports, „Pedagogika Społeczna”, no 3(57), pp. 233-251.
  • Januszewska E., 2014, Uchodźcy i imigranci na łamach kwartalnika w latach 2002-2013. Migracje i proces akulturacji (integracji). Część I (Refugees and immigrants on the pages of the Quarterly from 2002 to 2013. Migration and the acculturation (integration) process. Part I), “Człowiek-Niepełnosprawność-Społeczeństwo”, no. 1(23), pp. 95-112.
  • Januszewska E., 2014, Uchodźcy i imigranci na łamach kwartalnika w latach 2002-2013. Wychowanie i problemy zdrowotne. Część II (Refugees and immigrants on the pages of the Quarterly from 2002 to 2013. Education and health issues. Part II), “CzłowiekNiepełnosprawność-Społeczeństwo”, no. 2(24), pp. 21-46.
  • Januszewska E., 2014, Losy polskich imigrantów w Winnipeg – przyczynek (do) uczenia się z własnej biografii (Life stories of Polish immigrants in Winnipeg – a contribution to learning from one’s biography), “Teraźniejszość-Człowiek-Edukacja”, no. 67(3), pp. 111-126. Januszewska E., 2014, Autorska metoda pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej z dzieckiem z ADHD z Czeczenii. Studium przypadku (A self-developed method of didactic and educational work with a child with ADHD from Chechnya. A case study), “Studia z Teorii Wychowania”, Vol. V, no. 2(9), pp. 175-189.

Chapters in peer-reviewed compact publications:

  • Januszewska E., 2023, Rakiety, które uderzyły na zawsze (Rockets that struck forever), (In:) M. Paluch (Ed.), Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie (Dictionary of life-saving words), Oficyna

Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków, pp. 103-113.

  • Januszewska E., 2023, O spotkaniu z Innym (On encountering the Other), (In:) M. Paluch (Ed.), Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie (Dictionary of life-saving words), Oficyna Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków, pp. 167-183.
  • Januszewska E., 2023, Jedziemy na granicę (We are going to the border), (In:) M. Paluch (Ed.), Słownik wyrazów ratujących życie (Dictionary of life-saving words), Oficyna Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków, pp. 225-239.
  • Lewandowska I., Januszewska E., 2018, Opinie studentów Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie i Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie dotyczące przyjmowania uchodźców do Polski (Opinions of students at The Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn regarding the reception of refugees in Poland, (In:) A. Kamińska, P. Oleśniewicz (Ed.), Edukacja jutra. Wiedza i edukacja w egzystencji współczesnego człowieka (Education of Tomorrow. Knowledge and education in the life of contemporary man), Wydawnictwo Wyższa Szkoła Humanistas, Sosnowiec, pp. 385-397.
  • Januszewska E., 2017, Niepełnosprawność uchodźców wojennych jako źródło cierpienia: doświadczenie graniczne (Disability of war refugees as a source of suffering – borderline experience), (In:) R. Skrzyniarz (Ed.), Obcy/inny wśród swoich. Wychowawczy wymiar biografii (Stranger/other among their own. The educational dimension of biography), Biblioteka Katedry Biografistyki Pedagogicznej KUL, No. 10, Wydawnictwo Episteme, Lublin, pp. 139-150.
  • Januszewska E., Lewandowska I., 2016, Badacz wobec badanego. Różne dyscypliny – jedna perspektywa (The researcher vs the researched. Different disciplines – one perspective), (In:) M. Kafar (Ed.), Auto/biograficzne aspekty praktyk poznawczych (Auto/biographical aspects of cognitive practices), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, series: “Perspektywy Biograficzne”, Vol. III, Łódź, pp. 271-299.
  • Markowska-Manista U., Januszewska E., 2016, Children and Youth with Multicultural Backgrounds in the Polish System of Education, (W:) U. Markowska-Manista (red.), The Interdisciplinary Contexts of Reintegration and Readaptation in the Era of Migration – an Intercultural Perspective, Wydawnictwo APS, Warsaw, pp. 165-187.
  • Januszewska E., 2015, Janusz Korczak and childrens’ rights – yesterday, today and tomorrow. An unaccompanied minor asylum – seeker in Poland, (W:) U. Bartosch, A. Maluga,
  1. Bartosch, M. Schieder (red.), Konstitutionelle Pädagogik als Grundlage demokratischer Entwicklung. Annäherungen an ein Gespräch mit Janusz Korczak, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, pp. 243-253.

Key conference presentations:

International conferences and conferences abroad:

  • Januszewska E., 8-9.09.2023, Migrant women and the objects of migration – between past and present, International seminar, Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma, Rome, Italy.
  • Januszewska E., 23.05.2022; War children – a pedagogical perspective. Between the past and the present, 15th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School, The UNESCO/ Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy, The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 15.09.2015; Refugee children in Poland. Wounded childhood – based on the example of refugees from Chechnya; 9th International Summer School – „Readaptation and reintegration as problems of refugee children”, the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at The Maria Grzegorzewska University & Polish National Commission for UNESCO & Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange-CEEPUS Programme, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 18.02.2014; Polish refugees in the United Kingdom: Biographical stories based on narrative interviews; WorkinProgress Seminar Series, University of Oxford (The Oxford Department of International Development, The Refugee Studies Centre).

National conferences and conferences with foreign guests:

  • Januszewska E., 4-5.12.2023, “Gdy nastanie pokój wrócę do swojego kraju” – życie dzieci uchodźców syryjskich w Libanie (“When peace comes I will return to my country” – The lives of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon”); “Pokój i bezpieczeństwo w obliczu narastających zagrożeń” (“Peace and Security in the Face of Growing Threats”), Conference of the Committee for Research and Forecasts, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 25-26.04.2023, Odpowiedzialność za Innego obowiązkiem współczesnego człowieka – implikacje pedagogiczne (Responsibility for the Other as a duty of modern man – pedagogical implications); Academic and Training Conference “Intercultural Competences. Transgressions”, Faculty of Social Sciences, Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 17.02.2017; Uczeń cudzoziemski w polskiej szkole. Szanse, trudności, wyzwania (Foreign students in Polish schools. Opportunities, difficulties, challenges); “Podnoszenie kompetencji nauczycielskich w pracy z uczniem o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych” (“Raising teacher competences in working with students with special educational needs”), Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., Markowska-Manista U., 17.03.2016; Przyjmowanie uchodźców i imigrantów do Polski w narracjach studentów APS i nauczycieli szkół warszawskich – refleksje z badań (Receiving refugees and immigrants in Poland in the narratives of students of The Maria Grzegorzewska University and Warsaw school teachers – reflections from research); “Uchodźcy i migranci w Polsce – wyzwania społeczno-kulturowe, pedagogiczne, etyczne” (“Refugees and migrants in Poland – socio-cultural, pedagogical and ethical challenges”), Department of Philosophy and Sociology, UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Well-being at The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw.
  • Januszewska E., 22-23.04.2016; Niepełnosprawność uchodźców wojennych jako źródło cierpienia – doświadczenie graniczne (Disability of war refugees as a source of suffering – borderline experience); „Współczesne przestrzenie biografistyki. Obcy wśród swoich: wychowawczy wymiar biografii pogranicza” (“Contemporary spaces of biographical studies. Strangers among their own people: the educational dimension of borderland biography”), Chair of Biographical Studies in Education at the Institute of Pedagogy of the Catholic University in Lublin, “Biographies of Everyday Life” Foundation, Lublin.

Participation in periodic national seminars:

    • From 2020 to the present: Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Doktorskie i Podoktorskie (National Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar), organised by prof. Bogusław Śliwerski from the Department of Theory of Education, The University of Lodz, Łódź.
    • 2012-06.2013: Seminarium biograficzne w naukach społecznych (Biographical seminar in the social sciences), organised by prof. Kaja Kaźmierska from the Department of Sociology of Culture, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, The University of Lodz, Łódź.

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