Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw

Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw

The Faculty of Theology of ChAT offers bachelor’s (first degree) studies in Theology in the following specialties: Evangelical Theology, Orthodox Theology, Old Catholic Theology and Protestant Theology, as well as Master’s (second degree) studies in the following specialties: Evangelical Theology, Orthodox Theology, Old Catholic Theology, Theology of Denominational Traditions, Hymnology and Iconography. Since 2018, the Faculty will no longer provide a long-cycle Master’s degree program in theology (specialties: Evangelical Theology, Orthodox Theology, Old Catholic Theology). The mission of the faculty is to educate competent theologians and future clergy for the needs of minority churches in Poland, affiliated and not affiliated to the Polish Ecumenical Council.

Possessing all the rights to confer academic degrees, the Faculty offers doctoral studies (3rd degree) in the field of theological sciences – Evangelical, Orthodox and Old Catholic Theology.

The faculty prides itself on its ecumenical profile of education, cooperation of various church and cultural environments, tolerance and openness, respect for every person regardless of religious and social background. Naturally, the faculty cooperates also with Roman Catholic theological faculties in Poland. According to its profile, scientists from the Faculty of Theology of ChAT conduct research in all theological areas, which not only proves high scientific standards, but is also in the best sense of the word ecumenical and intercultural. The reviewed scientific journal: Theological Yearbook, scored on the list of the Ministry of Science, is published here.

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