Prof. Dr. Jakub Slawik

Prof. Dr. Jakub Slawik
Jakub Slawik (born 1966) – Dr. habil. , Professor at the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw, head of the Department of the Old Testament, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw, since 2015 Editor in Chief of the scientific journal The Theological Yearbook.
He studied theology at the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw (1985-1991). He did a research internship at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn (1992-1993). He earned a PhD in biblical theology (1999: Redaction History of the First Part of the Deutero-Isaiah Book: Is 40-48) and habilitation (postdoctoral degree; 2011: Job in front of God: An Exegetical Study to Prologue, Epilogue and Speeches of Job in the Book of Job). He wrote an academic handbook to exegeses of the Old Testament, translated scientific theological books and was an editor of a multi-author monograph for the 200 Year Jubilee of Theology at the University of Warsaw. He participates in the online project and prepares exegetical studies of Old Testament texts for pastors of Polish Protestant churches. He is a member of the Scientific Society for Theology (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie/WGTh) and Society for Protestant Theology (Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie/GET). His scientific interests are: exegesis of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Old Testament wisdom and late prophetic literature, Protestant hermeneutics of the Bible.
He has authored more than 40 scientific monographs and articles.
A full list of his publications and works are available online:
PBN iD: 946545
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7867-7714 (